International cooperation
Borealis Alliance
The Borealis Alliance is a leading Alliance of Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) that enables its Members to drive better performance for stakeholders through business collaboration.
The Alliance includes the ANSPs of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden and the UK.
Together, the Borealis Alliance members provide air traffic services for 4.2m flights a year(*) across 12.5 million km2 of North European airspace, accounting for 39% of European airspace
* Source EUROCONTROL 2018 traffic data
The Borealis Alliance is currently working on a major program to deliver free route airspace across the whole of Northern Europe by 2020. The program will create free route airspace extending from the eastern boundary of the North Atlantic to the western boundary of Russian airspace in the North of Europe, delivering significant customer benefits in terms of fuel efficiency, environmental performance and cost savings.
NEFAB is one of nine functional airspace blocks in Europe established in response to the EU’s Single European Sky initiative.
NEFAB is established by the four States: Republic of Estonia, Republic of Finland, Republic of Latvia and Kingdom of Norway. It is based on the NEFAB Agreement, signed June 4 2012 and effective as of December 23 2012. The Agreement sets up the legal basis for NEFAB and is supplemented by agreements and working arrangements between the National Supervisory Authorities and the Air Navigation Service providers of the four FAB states.
Following the signature of the State Level Agreement, in June 2012 NEFAB Air Navigation Service Providers, AVINOR (Avinor AS, Norway), EANS (Lennulliiklusteeninduse AS, Estonia), FINAVIA (Finavia Corporation, Finland; as of 1st of April 2017 substituted by ANS Finland) and LGS (SJSC Latvijas gaisa satiksme, Latvia) concluded the ANSP Cooperation Agreement to provide a legal framework in order to establish, implement and operate the NEFAB partnership. By signing the Agreement, air navigation service providers have committed to establish initiatives for increasing performance in NEFAB and contributing to the overall European network performance, hence delivering benefits to the airspace users.
The Single European Sky aims at a coherent pan-European network of routes, network management and air traffic management systems based only on common goals with regard to safety, efficiency and technical considerations, for the benefit of all airspace users. In pursuit of this objective, States have organised airspace into functional blocks, based on operational requirements and regardless of State boundaries, where the provision of air navigation services and related functions are performance-driven and optimized. Moving towards organisation into larger blocks of airspace regardless of national borders will help reduce the fragmentation of European airspace, will address unnecessary duplication of infrastructure, reduce costs and enhance safety levels.
CANSO – the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation – is the global voice of air traffic management. Founded in 1997, it represents the interests of the Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) worldwide.
CANSO is an international forum for discussion of ATM related issues where all aviation stakeholders unite to develop and exchange ideas in support of global Air Navigation Services. CANSO represents views and interests of the Members at relevant international institutions.
CANSO is the global voice of the companies providing air traffic control, and represents interests of Air Navigation Service Providers worldwide. CANSO Members are responsible for supporting 85% of world air traffic, and through our Workgroups, Members share information and develop new policies, with the ultimate aim to improve navigation in the air and on the ground. CANSO also represents its members’ views in major regulatory and industry forums.
The Mission of CANSO is to provide a global platform for customer and stakeholder driven civil Air Navigation Services (ANS), with paramount emphasis on the provision of safe, efficient and cost effective service.
CANSO was founded in 1997 and LGS was one of its founders.