The EU ANS providers are obligated to provide data link services according to the Regulation (EC) 29/2009; Regulation (EC) No 30/2009 and Regulation (EU) 2015/310. The rules mandate that states, ANSPs and aircraft operators equip their systems, produce procedures and train their staff to operate certain data link services. In accordance with these Regulations, VAS “Latvijas gaisa satiksme” are implementing three projects: “CPDLC Implementation in the Riga FIR”, “DLS Implementation Project – Path 1 “Ground” stakeholders” and “DLS Implementation Project – Path 2”. In accordance with SDM DLS Recovery plan LGS implemented Model B as intermediate step towards the target solution according SDM DLS Recovery Plan, therefore LGS purchased and deployed Front-End Processor (FEP), ATN Ground/Ground (G/G) router and integrated all the parts together with the ATM system and CSP domain. Benefits of this project is: o Safety: Through the delivery of standard and unambiguous messages (entailing significant error and fatigue reduction), the provision of a communications back up and the possibility of immediate message retrieval, data link communications are a major safety enhancement. o Capacity: Increased capacity through both reduction of voice congestion and increase in controller efficiency. o Cost effectiveness: Data link is a cost-effective capacity increase enabler through sector productivity increase and delay cost savings. ANSPs savings derived from staff cost avoidance. Aircraft operators will benefit of en route cost savings and reduction of delays. The DLS Implementing Project Path 1 “Ground” stakeholders (GND) focuses on the implementation of the multifrequency capability that will enable to optimise the workload of the channel ensuring the best performance ratio to support the air traffic flows increasing and avoiding frequency congestion. Path1 Implementing Project pursues the deployment of multifrequency in order to provide a Datalink service with the required performance and establishes a formal link with DLS Path II IP for the evolution of the current Datalink model to the long term model or model D. The DLS Implementation Project – Path 2 aims at supporting SDM in the identification and provision of an overall deployment picture of the Target Solution, as reported in ELSA Project Recommendations (Annex 2 of the DLS Recovery Plan). “CPDLC Implementation in the Riga FIR”, “DLS Implementation Project – Path 1 “Ground” stakeholders”, “DLS Implementation Project – Path 2” projects are co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union.
Controller Pilot Data Link Communications Implemented in the Airspace of Latvia
State Joint-Stock Company “Latvijas gaisa satiksme” on 7 November 2019 has implemented Controller Pilot Data Link Communicationsin compliance with the Commission Regulation (EC) No 29/2009of 16 January 2009 laying down requirements on data link services for the single European sky.
The project has been co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding available for transport projects.
By implementing this system Latvian airspace has undergone safety and efficiency enhancements with the completion of the national implementation of Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC).
CPDLC enables air traffic controllers and pilots of properly equipped aircraft to communicate via data link on text-based messages, instead of voice.
CPDLC is a two-way data link system by which controllers can transmit non urgent messages to an aircraft as an alternative to voice communications. The messages are displayed on a flight deck visual display and correspond to voice phraseology employed by air traffic control procedures.
CPDLC uses a set of standardised text messages covering most routine communications. For example, CPDLC messages from flight crews could include a request to change altitude or route. A typical message from controllers could be a route clearance or frequency assignment. It must be pointed out that in case of emergency voice communication will be preferred.
The new application offers the benefit of an additional, independent and secure channel, which reduces the strain on busy VHF voice communication frequencies. It also improves the day-to-day efficiency of communications between controllers and pilots.
CPDLC delivers some safety and efficiency improvements over spoken communications broadcast. Text messages provide greater clarity considering accent and pronunciation.Itfacilitates air traffic control communications with pilots whose first language is not English since many intercontinental flights transit Latvian airspace. So, the new functionality provides a clear message transmission with no risk of misunderstandings.