Your loyal guide in the sky
Our mission – to ensure safe and optimal air traffic for all users of the Latvian airspace
The IBS (Integrated Briefing System) is a Web-based service (https://ibs.lgs.lv) as well as a Mobile Application, which is designed for completion and submission of Flight Plans with a mandatory registration. Provision of pre-flight information preparation service to the end users is provided without registration. All Data including Aeronautical (NOTAM) and Meteorological information (textual OPMET and […]
Lasīt tālākLatvian AIS provides the following aeronautical information services: Distribution service, by which the following aeronautical information products are distributed to the next intended user: Electronic Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) (eAIP), including AIP Amendments and AIP Supplements, Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) and aeronautical charts; NOTAM; Digital terrain and obstacle data sets. Pre-flight information service, by which […]
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