New LGS 2024 collective agreement signed

On 13 February the management of state joint stock company “Latvijas gaisa satiksme” (LGS), representatives of three trade unions and an authorised representative of the employees signed a new collective agreement which replaces the previous one signed in 2019.
The aim of the collective agreement is to promote a positive work environment and regulate employment relations’ matters, while respecting the principles of trust, understanding and openness, and to achieve the objectives identified in the employer’s strategy. The collective agreement improves the conditions pertaining to employee salaries, social security, work and leisure time, employee qualification training and working environment.
The new collective agreement was drafted by aligning, as much as possible, the financial capacity of LGS with employee interests. After the COVID-19 pandemic and a decrease in the number of flights due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, part of the collective agreement benefits that were available to LGS employees prior to the partial suspension of the previous collective agreement in March 2020, will now be restored. The new collective agreement expands opportunities for employees to take additional vacation days and personal days, receive bonuses for additional work done, financial support in case of illness, the birth of a child, etc.
“The management of LGS believes that in line with the specifics of the operations of the company and taking into consideration our current financial capacity, it is important to create a competitive working environment and social benefits for our employees, especially air traffic controllers and aviation technical staff,” Dāvids Tauriņš, Chair of the Board at LGS, explains the aim of signing the new collective agreement.
The new wording of the collective agreement was harmonised with the trade unions and the employee representative at a meeting on 5 January 2024, reviewed and approved at the LGS board meeting of 11 January 2024.
The collective agreement was signed by Dāvids Tauriņš, Chair of the Board, and Ivars Sviridovs, Member of the Board, on behalf of LGS and by trade union representatives: Aivars Pūcītis on behalf of the Latvian Aviation Dispatcher Trade Union, Rihards Purgailis on behalf of the Latvian Air Traffic Controller Trade Union, Dins Sirsniņš on behalf of the Latvian Workers’ Trade Union, and Pāvels Zarjanskis, the authorised representative of the employees of LGS.