Your loyal guide in the sky
Our mission – to ensure safe and optimal air traffic for all users of the Latvian airspace
Air traffic management Full ATCO training (ADC, ACS, APS) and FIS/AFIS Operator training; ATCO rating revalidation and renewal training; ATCO annual emergency and refresher training; ATCO conversion training; ATCO On-the-Job Training Instructor (OJTI) and Assessor (CCA) training (Initial and refresher training); Team Resource Management practical facilitation training (Initial and refresher training) Team Resource Management course […]
Lasīt tālākTARIFF REGULATIONS Procedures for the Determination and Collection of the Charges for the Air Navigation Services Provided by the State Stock Company “Latvian Air Traffic” Issued pursuant to Section 28, Paragraph one of the Law On Aviation Rīga, 3 January 2012 1. This Regulation prescribes the procedures for the determination and collection of the charges […]
Lasīt tālākThe IBS (Integrated Briefing System) is a Web-based service (https://ibs.lgs.lv) as well as a Mobile Application, which is designed for completion and submission of Flight Plans with a mandatory registration. Provision of pre-flight information preparation service to the end users is provided without registration. All Data including Aeronautical (NOTAM) and Meteorological information (textual OPMET and […]
Lasīt tālākLatvian AIS provides the following aeronautical information services: Distribution service, by which the following aeronautical information products are distributed to the next intended user: Electronic Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) (eAIP), including AIP Amendments and AIP Supplements, Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) and aeronautical charts; NOTAM; Digital terrain and obstacle data sets. Pre-flight information service, by which […]
Lasīt tālāk