Your loyal guide in the sky
Our mission – to ensure safe and optimal air traffic for all users of the Latvian airspace
On June 15, management board members and directors of three air navigation service (ANS) providers of the Baltics – EANS (Estonia), “Latvijas gaisa satiksme” (Latvia) and “Oro Navigacija” (Lithuania) convened a meeting in Riga to discuss the geopolitical challenges in the region and reconfirm their cooperation goals. The meeting participants discussed ongoing activities and future […]
Lasīt tālākEUROCONTROL certifies LGS and Riga Airport readiness to apply A-CDM procedures State joint stock company “Latvijas gaisa satiksme” (LGS) and state joint stock company “International Airport “Riga”” (Riga Airport) have obtained a certificate from the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) attesting the successful development and implementation of A-CDM (Airport Collaborative Decision […]
Lasīt tālākIn order to promote controlled and safe use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones within Latvian airspace, air navigation service provider state joint stock company “Latvijas gaisa satiksme” (LGS) and local technological innovator SIA “Latvijas Mobilais Telefons” (LMT) have signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation on research and development projects. In the framework […]
Lasīt tālākAs of 6 April Riga International Airport becomes the first and so far only airport in the Baltic States to join more then 30 European airports employing A-CDM (Airport Collaborative Decision Making) procedures which allow for significantly improving service quality and safety for airspace users and passengers. The introduction of A-CDM, which was a joint effort […]
Lasīt tālākIn the framework of the “Complete WAM” project over the course of two years, Czech company “ERA a.s.” (ERA), a partner of state joint stock company “Latvijas gaisa satiksme” (LGS) and a leader in the area of multilateration and multistatic surveillance technologies, will install 23 receiver/transmitter devices on existing mobile communication towers and various infrastructure […]
Lasīt tālāk